Newfold domain auction sales led by - NiceNIC.NET
Here's what sold on SnapNames and NameJet last month.
Newfold Digital's domain auction platforms SnapNames and NameJet had a good September, led by the sale of for $84,999.
The platforms combined for 102 sales of $2,000 or more during the month, totaling $553,000.
Here are some other sales that stand out:
AspergerSyndrome .org $20,222 - This domain was previously used for a site dedicated to autism. $20,000 - A fantastic domain for a smart home or connected home service.
LeonardoDiCaprio .org $19,500 - Like the first .org on this list, the value comes from it being a previously developed site. In this case, the site was for the Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation. The name probably dropped because the foundation is now part of Earth Alliance. The domain now points to a casino page. $19,001 - One of the best initialisms for a .org domain. $7,778 - A wonderful brand name.
Source from Domain Name Wire
Domain Name - Register Domain - Transfer Domain
.COM $11.99, .ORG $12.99, .HK $16.99
ICANN & Verisign & HKIRC Accredited Registrar
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