End user domain name sales up to $380,000 - NiceNIC.NET


End user domain name sales up to $380,000 - NiceNIC.NET

A consumer products retailer, some travel sites and a couple of crypto projects bought domain names.


Graphic with purple background and a dollar sign with the words "end user domain sales"

Sedo closed a great six figure sale this past week for TopHotels.com. I'm surprised about how it's being used.


Here's a list of end user domain name sales that just completed at Sedo. You can view previous lists like this here.


TopHotels.com $380,000 - Facebook famously "dropped the the". TheTopHotels.com just did the same for a whopping price. Perhaps more surprisingly, as best I can tell, this site focuses only on hotels in Bukovel, a Ukrainian ski village.


DollarTown.com $7,500 - This domain forwards to the website for Superstores DeTodo SA de CV. It's a consumer products retailer with locations in Honduras and Nicaragua.


SatBet. in $5,999 - This is an online betting site.


911.cl EUR 5,500 - Tepille is a security and emergency services firm. It forwards this domain to its site tepille.cl. .Cl is the country code for Chile.


TitanToken .com $4,995 - This domain forwards to a Telegram page for "TITAN Ryu".


Lil.org $4,000 - This domain is being used for a cryptocurrency project.


Sadakah .com $3,300  - This domain forwards to the website for As-Sunnah Foundation. I suspect the domain is an alternative spelling of Sadaqah, a word that means "righteousness".


GoMundo.com $3,200 - GoMundo, a travel site operated by Bebsy, bought this domain. It currently uses the .nl version of this domain.


Tripiko.com $2,695 - The buyer is creating a travel site.


CraftAndDecor.com $2,665 - This is a site selling kids' decor.


CoursePanda.com $2,425 - According to a post she made on LinkedIn, the buyer of this domain recently left her corporate job at Amazon to start a "business centered on empowering content creators and help bring organic traffic to their landing pages. I am particularly interested in featuring course creators that identify belonging to any traditionally underrepresented group." Sounds cool. Good domain, and I wish her success.


FreeOffice .org $2,240 - Free Office is an alternative to Microsoft Office. It uses the matching .com domain.


Source from Domain Name Wire


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.COM $11.99, .ORG $12.99, .HK $16.99


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